Dick Clark’s CANE Model for Improving Motivation

When motivation (a lack thereof) is an underlying problem that accounts for a lack of performance, we need a robust, research-backed way to answer this question:  

How do people decide to invest effort and then get (and stick) with the program?

Here’s an article that includes a helpful model that you can use to demystify and address motivation issues at work (and in your personal life, too):

Motivating Performance: Diagnosing and Solving Motivation Problems and Opportunities

Published as: Motivating Performance: Part 1 – Diagnosing and Solving Motivation Problems. Performance Improvement, 37(8), 39-46.

Clark’s article answers essential questions for those times when you suspect that a lack of motivation is a significant issue in a performance problem:

  • What if we underestimate the importance of motivation in performance? Sadly, this is easy to do.
  • What if we had a systematic approach to solving motivation problems? Do we need that? Yes! Plus, this article offers one.
    What are the factors that lead us to commit to a goal? There are three main factors; each one is explained, with examples.
    What should we do once we identify the factors that are out of whack? The article includes a worked example and the main solutions for each factor.

Working with motivation issues can be a challenge. Thankfully, they don’t have to remain mysterious, and there’s a process we can follow to make things better.